Friday, May 30, 2014

Unplanned Conversations

We get a ton of books from the library every couple weeks.  Lately Elizabeth has been loving the non-fiction choices.  I tend to just pull books that seem interesting without a lot of review.  This has gotten us into a couple of big conversations during nighttime reading.
Last night I walk in to give her a kiss and Jeff says “Oh great momma is here.  Maybe she can explain why the buildings are not there?!”.  What I thought was a book about tight rope walking and New York City was actually a book about 9-11 and the twin towers.  Sigh.  Not the conversation you want to have at 830pm although I think years of pediatric oncology nursing has readied me for these unplanned conversations.  I kept it simple with a brief explanation, talked a little about having and not having love in your heart.   The importance of embracing differences.  Answered only what was asked.  

Each time I swear I'm going to vet the books a bit more but now I think I won't.  Better to start these conversations at home.



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