We spent the last week with the Corvalis crew in the Methow. It is the same place we went last year with our friends Kyle and Ann . We actually rented the house next door. We missed them desperately this year!
The little town of Mazama where we stayed is just that... little. There is one small store, a place to rent skis, 200 km of cross country ski trails and a boat load of snow. Our house did not have cell phone coverage, no cable and nothing to do but play in the beautiful wilderness.
Lucia and Elizabeth had an incredible time together and would go hours without needing anything from us grown ups. Oscar mostly just watched the fun.
Jeff was the primary Elizabeth pack mule although we were particularly impressed with Scott lugging both Lucia and Oscar along especially when on skate skis.

We had a home made sledding hill from snow that fell off the roof. There really was an incredible amount of snow and even bright sun each day.
We got the girls on skis. Elizabeth was so proud of herself and keeps saying "I'm a skier now".
Elizabeth and Lucia mostly played babies all day long. Here they are both "cooking babies in our bellies". So cute!!
This is going to have to be an annual trip. Next year we'll try and wrangle Kyle and Ann out this way again (a test to see if they are one of the 6 folks reading this blog).
Honestly.... How awesome, and could the kids be any cuter??
This looks amazing!! It won't take much to twist our arms to come out that way. :) We'd love to join all of you! We miss you guys a ton. --Kyle
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