Sunday, August 28, 2011

And then she was three...

2011 School Party

The birthday post is a tad late but only because we have been having a week of fun. This year she has been well aware of her birthday and for months has been telling everyone 'in August I will be three'. She was absolutely giddy about her school party this year. Funny to look back on photos from the year before and see a much more timid little girl (below) sitting at the same table with some of the same friends around her.
2010 School Party

The night before her birthday we put Elizabeth to sleep in our room telling her it was a special birthday treat to sleep with Mommy and Daddy. We then proceeded to assemble a bunk bed in her room. My Jewish husband finally learned what Christmas Eve is like as this quick to assemble Ikea bunk bed was not really quick. At one point he even said "I'm actually using a good bit of my Master's degree to get this *$*$$ thing together". It was a late night. However when she went into her room the next morning she was literally trembling with joy.
That night her friends came over for a continuation of her birthday celebration and basically the bunk bed was the activity for the evening. Notice the five girls piled in the bed with poor Nico off to the side. He is the only boy in our circle of friend's kids but not to worry he gets himself right in the mix.

You might ask 'Where are all the adults?'. We are safely out on the porch as the high pitched screeching from the girls was deafening!

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