Sunday, August 28, 2011

Deception Pass State Park - aka Disney Land of Camping

We went to the Disney Land of camping this weekend and it was awesome despite the fact that I would have HATED IT three years ago. There are over 200 camp sites here which I know is not really escaping from humanity but with a three year old things are different.

I had this moment when I was loading the pack with all the things we would need for the day... blankets, snacks, camera, sand toys... realizing that this same pack came with me to far flung countries and heights and that I am not the mom I thought I would be. Before she was born we talked about taking off with her to Africa, I would work full time while Jeff mostly stayed at home, I would rejoice with my child's fearless exploring, and we would hire sitters so we could still climb in the mountains. This is not the mom I am today and I'm thrilled.I don't want to move away from my family of friends here in Seattle. I want Elizabeth to grow up knowing these amazing women that I am blessed to have as my friends. I love our mommie-Elizabeth days and feel blessed that we can make the choice to have me work only part time. I am happy to use our climbing packs for carrying sand toys, sunscreen and snacks and I tremble when she is fearless. I especially tremble in fear.

I have found that I also love the Disney Land of camping because I love seeing my daughter begin her exploration of the Pacific Northwest. I don't want to be in the mountains without her.

So for now it is Deception Pass which I have learned can be an amazing way to spend the weekend.

Mt. Baker in the distance (a summit our pack has visited)
Drift wood see saw is hours of home made fun.
We watched the sun set and she asked to the sky "Will it be pink again? Make it pink!" and it was. (yeah I'm not that good of a photographer but ask my daughter cause the sky was pink)

Good night

And then she was three...

2011 School Party

The birthday post is a tad late but only because we have been having a week of fun. This year she has been well aware of her birthday and for months has been telling everyone 'in August I will be three'. She was absolutely giddy about her school party this year. Funny to look back on photos from the year before and see a much more timid little girl (below) sitting at the same table with some of the same friends around her.
2010 School Party

The night before her birthday we put Elizabeth to sleep in our room telling her it was a special birthday treat to sleep with Mommy and Daddy. We then proceeded to assemble a bunk bed in her room. My Jewish husband finally learned what Christmas Eve is like as this quick to assemble Ikea bunk bed was not really quick. At one point he even said "I'm actually using a good bit of my Master's degree to get this *$*$$ thing together". It was a late night. However when she went into her room the next morning she was literally trembling with joy.
That night her friends came over for a continuation of her birthday celebration and basically the bunk bed was the activity for the evening. Notice the five girls piled in the bed with poor Nico off to the side. He is the only boy in our circle of friend's kids but not to worry he gets himself right in the mix.

You might ask 'Where are all the adults?'. We are safely out on the porch as the high pitched screeching from the girls was deafening!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Three years ago

Lovin' at her first Indigo Girls concert
The Fly

Ridin' High

Three years ago today I was browsing Pike Place Market with my parents and my midwife called and said come on in you are going to have a baby today. Being ten days overdue I nearly ran to the hospital with joy. Least did we know it would be four days in the hospital before she was actually born. She did not want to come out and that sassy spirit continues to flourish. We are a blessed blessed family.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer Times

Finally had a couple weekends in town and enjoyed time with friends. Elizabeth and I actually got away for one night thanks to an invitation from Shauna and Maeve. We left Jeff at home to do whatever.

They shared this sweet house right on the water.... check out that view!

The previous weekend we had a cookout with the gang at our house. At one point we noticed that the girls were sort of quite inside. Alison went to investigate and found that they had opened the front door and left! Did not realize I needed to tell her that she must ask before leaving the house. Luckily our neighbor was out front chatting with them so they didn't get far.
There has not been a lot of sun but when it comes we are in our red neck pool for sure. You can take the girl out of the south but.... I love this group of friends. Good to get everyone under one roof for the night.