These photos are from the first day of 1st grade. Her teacher and classmates all moved from Kindergarten to 1st grade together so initially there was little transition. It really is a great group of kids and families. There has been a few bumps in the road but all the sort of typically kids figuring kids out. How to play on the playground together. How to be inclusive. How to bounce back after being excluded. She said to us the other night 'but why would she do that we are friends??'. Jeff says that comment alone means we must be on the right track. She is a kind kid.

She now knows what resilience means and is working on implementing that
skill. Truth be told I am still working to implement that skill.
Resilience for me is truly something I must practice so it isn't
always easy to then teach it to Elizabeth. The hardest for me is not the kids but the parents. Ugh. Sometimes parents teach their kids to be exclusive. Inviting the select few. That is when I have to practice my resiliency skills.
Most of all the group of parents are great. We have met some lovely families. The teachers are AMAZING. Her teacher is beyond what I could have ever hoped for my child. The bumps in the road are making us all stronger and more aware of how treat others. It is amazing how much I am learning from my kids. Its all good.