Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Corvalis Crew in the Hood

 The Corvalis Crew was in the hood for a weekend visit.  We scored with perhaps our last perfect weather weekend.  Spent the majority of Sunday at the beach and came home with sand buried in shoes, toes and diapers.  As it should be when playing at the beach.

 The girls and Oscar still chum around perfectly but Henry and Felix are certainly getting in the mix.  The last hour before the crew headed home Henry and Felix started really playing together.  I can't wait for them to also be the best of buds.  Elizabeth cried in our arms when they left... 'why can't they live right here with us!'.  So sweet and again loving another weekend of watching my kids nurture friendships with my best friends kids.  Perfection!
Next stop with this crew is the Methow.  Can't wait to see them all there!!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Smiley Face Game

Elizabeth loves a good game and her favorite game right now is Smiley Face better known as Hang Man.  Isn't there something very Portlandia about that name!

She is always the word/phrase maker which makes this game last a veerrry loooong time since she sounds spells a majority of her words.  I did not know about sound spelling until this past year but I know it well now.  At times she is right on with her spelling and other times the phrase has not a single vowel.  You can not guess the phrase until each space is filled.  If you have no clue you can not give up until every word in the alphabet is used.  All. Of. Them. 

Needless to say the faces she draws are exquisitely detailed.  Next time I'm getting a picture of our game.

Can't we just play Uno.

Below she is wanting to show the toast she 'cooked' on her own.  Plus she is a goof ball.

Elizabeth and Anneka

 There was no school on Friday and Lynn had to work so we got to spend the day with Anneka!  Both girls were thrilled to get an entire day together.  They are really the best of friends.  I spent a good part of the day keeping Henry out of their hair although they were somewhat tolerant.  Henry alternates between being adorable and absolutely obnoxious. 
 We did a little photo shoot and they were just goof balls.

 I love them and am honored that I get to be a part of their lives and friendship.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

No table manners

So apparently we are not teaching our children any table manners.  Just saying.

No Table Manners from kathleen mcgregor on Vimeo.

Saturday, October 04, 2014

 These photos are from the first day of 1st grade.  Her teacher and classmates all moved from Kindergarten to 1st grade together so initially there was little transition.  It really is a great group of kids and families.  There has been a few bumps in the road but all the sort of typically kids figuring kids out.  How to play on the playground together.  How to be inclusive.  How to bounce back after being excluded.  She said to us the other night 'but why would she do that we are friends??'.  Jeff says that comment alone means we must be on the right track.  She is a kind kid.
 She now knows what resilience means and is working on implementing that skill.  Truth be told I am still working to implement that skill.  Resilience for me is truly something I must practice so it isn't always easy to then teach it to Elizabeth.  The hardest for me is not the kids but the parents.  Ugh.  Sometimes parents teach their kids to be exclusive.  Inviting the select few.  That is when I have to practice my resiliency skills.
Most of all the group of parents are great.  We have met some lovely families.  The teachers are AMAZING.  Her teacher is beyond what I could have ever hoped for my child.  The bumps in the road are making us all stronger and more aware of how treat others.  It is amazing how much I am learning from my kids.  Its all good.