She truly had a birthday month and the gift she asked for was a trip up in the space needle. It was also my first journey. Not Jeff's as his first year here he actually had a seasons pass which still makes me laugh.
It was quite anticlimactic and once up there and she was ready to come back down immediately. Not out of fright just boredom. Oh well.

One day I also dropped Henry off and Elizabeth and I spent the day together. We joined up with Lila and went to this crazy trampoline center. So amazing that these girls are only four days apart in age. They don't see each other as often, which is poor planning by Alison and myself, but when together they are still so connected.
This year I finally caved and let her have a 'real birthday party with no other grown ups allowed' as she requested.
She invited mostly kids from her school and I found the whole thing quite stressful which I know is ridiculous. They really had an absolute blast and it was easy.
We had games in the yard, they jumped on the trampoline and ran around like crazy kids should.
The winner event was the cupcake decorating. I made boxed cupcakes, bought horrible chemical filled frosting in colors not found in nature, sugary sprinkles and candy eyes. They each got a few to decorate and LOVED every minute. Not a very Seattle 'take care of your body' or 'earth friendly' event but they LOVED it.
We can not stand how fast it is going. Her favorite days are still the days with just family and we know that will end as it should. Until then we will continue to cherish this time.