Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Visiting the Corvalis Crew

This weekend we made our annual pilgrimage to Oregon and the Corvalis Crew.  Our youngest, Henry and Felix are still figuring each other out.  This picture makes me laugh.... looks like Henry is running from Felix.
 Felix is a very typical third child.  He is up and moving and climbing and essentially keeping up with the older kiddos.  Henry is still not walking on his own which I am mostly ok with except for the fact that his pants are wearing thin.

 The older three, Lucia, Oscar and Elizabeth, have it all figured out.  They play together beautifully and just simply had a blast.  Most of the time they were off happily doing their own thing.  They are all such sweet little souls.

 Tried to get a group shot but Felix and Henry were not willing participants.  

Next stop with the Crew... Methow in February.  Yippie lets ski!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Last Camping Trip

 We went on our last camping trip of the year and it was one of the best.  We set up a top rope and had a day of climbing.  Been a long time since any of us have climbed on actual rock.
 The kids sat captivated watching all the climbing. They were literally mesmerized.   One guy tore up his hand on a crack climb.  Sweet little Helena declared that she was going to climb and get all bloody also. 

 Elizabeth and Jacob are now in Kindergarten and not together all day.  I hope they stay friends!

 Henry mostly nursed and napped.  Sweet boy.

Friday, October 04, 2013

A bit about Henry Keel

So many updates are about Elizabeth I thought I'd focus on our little guy.

He is a scooter.  It is a very odd sight and up until last week it was his only mode of travel.  Not sure how this started but it doesn't slow him down.  He can scoot freakin' fast and can carry things along.  This past weekend he started crawling but the scoot remains his favorite.

P1030889 from kathleen mcgregor on Vimeo.

We called him our chilled out dude but that has started to change.  He has developed opinions, knows what he wants and expresses himself loudly when he is not pleased.  It is sort of nice to see him develop his personality.  Elizabeth is not quite sure as he no longer just lets her cart him around.  There is a lot of my saying 'Elizabeth, listen to his voice, does he sound happy, maybe you shouldn't do that to him'.  I should put that on record and repeat.

 Currently his two main motivations in life are the stairs and my lap.  He wants any and all stairs.  Stairs at school, at the pool, in the house, at the playground and all stairs seen when on a stroller run.  He also wants my lap.  Mostly he wants my lap if his sister is in my lap.  He will actually scoot over, crawl in and then try to push her out while 'expressing himself loudly'. 
He is still a happy little dude.  Not so laid back anymore but happy for sure!