Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Princess

 This weekend we went for a hike with the princess and her friends.  Elizabeth is quite serious about being a princess.  We talk and read books about being a strong princess and that princesses can be in many different forms.  It is interesting to see what she absorbs from these conversations.
 The other day I found her standing in front of the mirror looking concerned.  She was in an outfit I had pulled out.
'Mom I don't feel like a princess in this outfit.'
'Why not bug?'
'Well there is not any pink or purple and its just not like a princess!'
'Oh well don't princesses dress in different colors.'
'Mom I remember that story about the princess from other places that wear other colors but I live in Seattle and in Seattle princesses wear pink and purple.  I'm a Seattle princess.'

 Another day she said 'Mom when I grow up I need to marry a prince.'
'Oh really.  Why do you need a prince?'
'Well momma I need someone to do the cooking!'

The only thing she may love more than being a princess is her lovie.  Every single day when we get home she literally runs to get her lovie.  Every day when we leave the house lovie is given one final kiss.  If Henry is crying she will bring lovie over and rub his cheek with it to help him feel better.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


 Elizabeth has started using a snorkel in swim class and she loves to now practice her strokes.  She loves it so much that her snorkel has become a common accessory.
 We often take a walk after dinner, especially in the summer like spring weather we have been having in Seattle.  Last night she just had to wear her snorkel for our walk.  It was quite the sight!
 Don't you think the one below screams senior class photo!

Photos of HK inserted cause he is just  cute.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

May Fun

 Henry is very slowly starting to move around.  Not really even crawling but managing to inch forward here and there.  Elizabeth and I were in the kitchen cooking and heard Henry just cracking up.  We found him reclining from the coffee table drawer and he thought it was a riot.
 This weekend was sunny and in the eighties.  We were not inside for a moment and exhausted by Sunday night.  With our biking attachments we spent most of our time biking and managed quite some distance.  So great to live in a city with endless trails thereby not requiring us to be on any roads.  Elizabeth even managed an hour long nap during a long ride on Saturday.  She was slumped over and with every bump hit she would sort of flop all over.  Riders passing us were laughing.
 Ended the weekend with a picnic at the lake.  Great weekend.