Friday, January 25, 2013


Monday morning I turned on NPR while making coffee and quickly realized it was the inauguration.  Television is not typically on in our house but I made an except which thrilled Elizabeth.  During the election Elizabeth had noticed signs in front of houses and we spent a good bit of October discussing the Presidential election.  I thought watching the inauguration would be a great follow up.

 I asked Elizabeth why mommy and daddy vote just to see what she remembers from back in the Fall.  I wish I had recorded her answer.  She said 'cause the forest and mountains are important, cause it is getting hot and we have to fix that, cause if you love a girl and a girl loves that girl then they should get married like Sophie's mommas that we just saw at the sushi restaurant.'
 She was amazed at the number of people and does not understand why we can't go and meet President Obama and his big girl's.  When then had to go to the internet and look at photos of the White HOuse and the First Lady.    I told her she could be President or First Lady one day.  She said no as she does not want to live at the White HOuse only visit.  She wants to live 'with my mommy or next to my mommy all the time.'  Sigh... Love!!