Aunt Laura came to visit. I can't even begin to say how excited I was to have her come for a visit. We rented a place in the mountains. Super awesome place at a lodge and with a pool. I was psyched to just be, relax and enjoy my kids with my sister. Not often I get to share my life with just her.
I wanted to make it special for her since the Christian was coming to visit the Jews. I had some gifts, some sweets and even a stocking. There are no photos here of the stocking. There are no photos here of the mountains. That is cause we were only there for maybe 14 hours and made a very hasty retreat back home. We left in our wake a room full of 'sickie' (as Elizabeth calls it). We will spare the details.
The poor little dude had it bad enough that he bought himself a visit to the ER for IV fluids after four days of 'sickie'. He eventually recovered nicely. Elizabeth and Jeff were only down for about 12 hours. Laura and I were spared unless you consider the mega clean up duty and then no one was spared.
I was sad for a bit of time that we didn't get this great trip with Auntie Laurla. Disappointment is really about expectations. You expect things to go a certain way and then when they don't there creeps in the sad disappointment. I am working on this awareness and was able to let these expectations go after a bit of time and really embrace the different trip with her. This is not easy for me but if you let life and kids teach you then you learn to just flow and find your joy. We laughed a ton, the kids recovered, the adults recovered, there was some sun, there was the park, there was the Nutcracker and it was nice. Not the nice I had expected but its own different joyful nice.