Kathryn flew to Seattle on her 9th birthday by herself! We were all very excited to have her arrive and thrilled to know that she loved the solo flying. Were not sure what we would have done if it had gone badly as she was going to have to return in a few days.
Kathryn loved reading to her at night and it was so cute watching them cuddled together. One morning while playing in the room they came upon the books that grandma recorded. They both sat together listening while Jeff and I teared up in the hallway.
We spent the next few days running them ragged and both passed out for naps and bedtime. There was a Purim fair with face painting, bouncy machines and crafts.

We also spent tons of time just playing around the house and yard although Kathryn deemed Seattle 'FREEZING'.
I hope these girls continue to find a friendship as the years pass. I love thinking of them together as adults sharing their lives.