Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Eve Park Fun

We spent the holidays in Memphis having more forced family fun then anyone counted on. Between visits to the park (check out the standing and sliding below), games of house tag, dance off parties and learning to ride a bike we remain thankful that there were no broken limbs. It was a bit of a wild ride. Elizabeth has taken 2-3 hour naps every day since returning to Seattle. We'd do it all over again.

Even Auntie Laura got in on the fun, often she is the instigator.
Highlight for sure was Pops and Bill sliding. Complete nut jobs!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lets go snowing!!

This past week we constructed our annual plan of how to survive Seattle rain. Folks that don't live in Seattle think we all must just love grey and rain. We don't. Some do but they are nuts. The rest of us devise various plans of how to survive the long rainy months. Plans include escaping to sunnier locations, happy lights (if you don't know what these are you don't live in a gray climate) and, for us this year, bi-monthly trips to the snow. Elizabeth calls this 'going snowing'.
She is trying out snowshoes for the first time. The mostly make her laugh. She loves the skiing as this involves her merrily riding along in the chariot sled (you can see it in the picture above). Jeff is a rock star for pulling her along and at quite a good pace. Helps when she is shouting 'faster daddy, yeah, faster'.She loves to build a snowman and was even willing to concede that it can be small as their was no fresh snow.
She did insist that the snowman needed eyes and a mouth. She didn't mind that he wasn't smiling.

We just have to remind ourselves that rain in Seattle means snow less than an hour away!