Friday, February 25, 2011

Play Dates

Our Fridays are often filled with play dates for both Elizabeth and mom. Etta is our youngest friend that comes over. She helps us practice taking care of babies.Alice reads to Elizabeth and offer potty demonstrations.
Lila is our dancing and dress up in pretty dresses friend. Lila loves her music.
Oh and both these girls are always game for a kiss. They are just sugar sweet cuddle love pies.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

What happens after two days with no nap.

Untitled from kathleen mcgregor on Vimeo.

This is what happens when she misses her nap two days running. We were just going down the road for a quick evening snowshoe and she went into a coma.

Unfortunately there was no sleeping on the 5 hour drive home today. Oh well.

Weekend Ski at the end of the earth

Last minute trip to the Methow this weekend. It is a great area in Northern Washington that is cross country ski heaven. We stayed in Mazama which during the winter is really the end of the earth as the pass is closed and getting there requires a longish drive around. Our house was a quarter mile from the closed pass but right on the ski trails. Quite isolation is heaven! Can you even see the road above??
We went with two great friends , Ann and Kyle, and their new babe Sylvan. Another very brave childless couple, Scott and Avery, came with us. You have to be brave to join a house with young kids but luckily all little ones slept beautifully and were gems. Thank goodness.

Had blue skies for most of the long weekend. Elizabeth loved the ski trailer having spent quite some time in her bike trailer. We packed her in there with books, snacks and warm blankets. She lasted through a tiring 2 hour ski. You could hear her 'reading' her books and singing songs along the way.

Elizabeth loved helping to take care of Sylvan and was basically a little twitter update telling us every move or squeak the child made.
We proved that snow or sun a hammock is always lovely.

I couldn't get anyone to push or pull me... I tried.