Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pterodactyl Lives

I mean she can really ear shattering shriek.

Official member of the Clean Plate Club

"Momma this is bowl lickin' goooood!"

Monday, August 24, 2009

"I do NOT like the DONKEY" she says

Bike riding in Leavenworth WA this weekend we thought it would be fun to introduce her to barn animals. She did NOT enjoy this but it did make us laugh... is that cruel?
'Give me a kiss' he says

Sometimes all that makes it better is momma luv.

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

She shrieked continually about her new trike from Grandma and Pops while sporting an entire new wardrobe from Auntie Laura. Perhaps it was cause I was jumping up and down in excitement. She has her first BIKE/TRIKE!!!!
So look at us... not sure who is more excited!!!!!!!! She was a natural. Notice the feet don't come anywhere close to the pedals. It is just as well cause she doesn't know what to do yet but soon enough she will have it figured out.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Elizabeth's Hike

After spending 2.5 hours in her carrier Eliz was VERY ready for her own hike. She made lap after lap after lap around the hikers shelter and then was ready for a long nap on her trip back down the mountain.


At the summit. Elizabeth with a trooper for five hours in her carrier.
She managed to eat some ten strawberries for lunch. She has declared herself as a fruitarian. Look at this great lunch rock!

Mid August and snow is still around!

Westie Camping with Laura

The chef and his assistant.
Laura sporting the latest fashions... notice how far she has to fold up my pants.... are we really related???
Here we are on the last day we owned our first home. Difficult time as we were moving into a semi-gross rental however things have certainly brightened. Once again Laura was our saving grace. She always manages to descend during difficult times making life so much brighter (she was here last year during my 40th and 41st weeks of pregnancy.. fun). My parents are coming for 9 days and taking us on vacation! Oh and we bought a house... should be moved by end of September. Yippie!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Check her out

We have such great friends that were able to help us this weekend during our move. Alison caught some great shots of Eliz and Lila. We were even able to relax and spend some time with them at the park. I love that they are growing up together and turning a year. YIKES.

Saturday, August 08, 2009


After and Before Shots

With great apprehension and excitement for what may come we are leaving our first home. I hope you can tell which are 'before' and 'after'. The green shag carpet is gone, the ceilings are raised, the kitchen and bathroom are pristine and it has been transformed into an amazing home. Not sure where we will be long term (within Seattle) but our bags are packed and the movers arrive at 9am tomorrow. Yikes!!